Lab Grown Diamonds

A mined diamond is formed inside the earth’s crust under high pressure and temperature over a span of billions of years.

After much research & development and with the use of advanced technologies, scientists have been able to recreate the same geological process at a highly accelerated pace in a laboratory.This miracle of science has given birth to LGDs which are 100% Real Diamonds with the same physical,chemical & optical characteristics as mined diamonds.

How are Lab Grown Diamonds made?

There are essentially two different methods used to grow LGDs. These methods are called CVD & HPHT.

Under this technique a diamond substrate is placed inside a chamber and the chamber is infused with carbon rich gases (like methane).It is then subjected to high levels of heat until the carbon atoms from the gases start to disintegrate and fall on the diamonvd substrate.The raining of carbon atoms layer by layer on the diamond substrate gives birth to a rough lgd.This entire process takes between 4 – 10 weeks depending upon the infrastructure in the laboratory. Some modified versions of CVD that are being used these days are,
-Plasma enhanced (PE CVD)
-Low pressure (LP CVD)
-Ultra high vaccum (UHV CVD)
-Microwave-Plasma (MP CVD)

This technique replicates the environment found beneath the earth’s crust to grow lab grown diamonds. Here a “Growth Cell” is placed inside the HPHT chamber.The growth cell consists of a seed,refined graphite and a catalyst mixture of metals & powders.This chamber is heated to 1200-1300 degree celsius and pressure is applied upto 50,000 atmospheres (temperature & pressures found inside the earth’s crust).These specifiactions lead to the growth of a rough diamond inside the chamber.

How are Lab Grown Diamonds different from Earth Mined Diamonds ?

It is difficult for someone with a conscience and ethics to know how the diamond industry operates and still wear mined diamonds. It is a widely publicized and known fact that child labour, employee exploitation and civil unrest are a huge part of diamond mining operations. With lab grown diamonds we are very well assured that the diamond sparkling on your finger has shed no blood